
Born in 1980 (Houston, Texas) and currently living on the Costa de la Luz along the Atlantic Ocean, he lives determined by what has helped him understand and assimilate life: art. Motivated day after day by what he defines as the thrill of discovery, he attributes importance not only to the result of the work but also to the process of its creation. His constructions, infused with architectural influences, are a tangible expression of his reflections on volume, space and time. Each creation becomes a dialogue between the compositional control of the piece and the expressive energy of the materials he uses, such as felt, ceramics, burlap, steel, natural rubber, or the sound of analog video, among others. This careful selection of materials, the color palette and his dedication to every detail reflect the honesty he aims to convey in each work.

Murrieta is an artist who transcends the boundaries between traditional painting and sculpture. Each of his creations is a window into his inner world, where emotions manifest through a wide variety of textures, seams, burned elements, grilles, optical effects and the void of space. His style is characterized by the three-dimensionality and his ability to play with the incidence of light and the effect of shadows. The influence of the multicultural context of his childhood in the United States and his growth in Europe is revealed in his artistic discipline, which encapsulates the essence of European Informalism and American Abstract Expressionism, evolving through stages such as digital transformation to the present day.